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It's called a gut reaction for a reason

It's called a gut reaction for a reason

Your gut, after all is your second brain. Think of your gut as your brain’s wingman, your best friend who has your best interest - and we need to listen to it!

Have you ever had a friend give you tough love you didn’t want to hear?? And then after digesting it - you agree with them?

This is how your gut works with your brain.

The brain will tell you something is wrong, that you are putting the wrong things in your body… and after you don’t listen to your brain, your gut starts to pipe up and speak to you in ways of discomfort. 

Your instincts kick in that something is wrong, your inflammation starts to act up, you don’t sleep well, you have a cloudy mind - and SNAP - you have got to take care of this because what you are doing is not working for you and now you are left feeling miserable.

Your body AND gut can not keep up with processing all the guilty pleasures we feed it like: sugar, caffeine, dairy, red meat - not to mention the amount of stress and outside toxins we face daily which get absorbed and trapped into our entire being.

This is what we mean by gut health and the formula is simple:

healthy gut = healthy mind.

If you tangle up your intestines full of garbage like pizza, poutine, burgers, ice cream, alcohol, coffee's, pop and more you are going to feel those effects for days, even years. 

Think of how big your intestines are!  Why are you are expecting your body to process what your brain is allowing into your system without feeling the consequences of it?  

Digestion takes what energy you have and the energy needed which then begins to rob from other areas of your body.  What happens is, you are left feeling: bloated, inflamed, soreness, nausea, sleeplessness, overthinking, anxiety and so much more.

Listen to the wingman your body has been blessed with and take care of yourself from the inside.  

You certainly take care of your outside body by showering & grooming. Why should your insides be exempted?

Give your body a good cleaning from the inside, give it a break to just drink in all the micronutrients it’s so desperately craves… and it will reward you with more energy, glowing skin, less pain and inflammation,  not to mention an increase in comfort and longevity.

A juice cleanse a few times a year, or better yet seasonally is just what your body, mind and soul require to function.   This is good time to reconnect with yourself, listen to your body's cues and let it take in nature's medicine.  After you are finishes your body and mind will reward you for all your hard work in a way that will have you in awe at how much better you feel. 

Time for a cleanse??  We offer a variety of cleanses that are targeted specifically for what may be concerning you or what you would like to work on.  Cleanses range from 1 - 5 day durations. 

Check out our cleanse section for more. 


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